Sunday, January 1, 2017

Reaching your higher self through Ayurveda

Raise your consciousness through Ayurveda

Human race is heading towards a higher level of consciousness. Ayurveda is the ancient system of alternative medicine which can provide the path to the next level of consciousness. Ayurveda views a person as a whole, as a being with mind and soul who has a connection with the universe.But unfortunately sometimes a person loses connection through wrong lifestyle, diet, physical stress and mental trauma.
How does Mental stress act as an obstacle in your path?
Mind-body connection is the most important factor in Ayurveda. Haven’t you noticed that stress or emotional disturbances can cause a negative impact on the body? Think of those situations when constant mental stress or bottled up emotions took a toll on your health? Physical and mental stress releases chemicals known as stress hormones into the blood stream. The result shows up as constant headaches, ulcers, sleeplessness, weakness of muscles, panic attacks, anxiety and bloating up of body.
How to reconnect with your higher self and heal with Ayurveda?
All body systems undergo fatigue and channels get blocked when there are toxins in body .Panchakarma treatment cleanses the body  while supporting therapies like abhyanga and shirodhara  helps to soothe your body and regain balance.Herbal  formulas known as kashaya,churna,arishtam and lehyam are used to balance the life energies vata,pitta and kapha.It is just like cleaning up the road blocks and making the transport system better.Once the toxins are cleansed up your body works better. Your path is clear and you can reconnect with your higher self and universe.
How to soothe your mind through Ayurveda?
Modern science explains how nerve cells talk to each other and communicate with other systems of body via electric signals. According to Ayurveda the three mind energies or gunas are satwa,rajas and tamas. When the senses are over stimulated the rajo gunas is aggravated thus making the person over anxious , angry and irritated. Incidents which cause severe mental trauma may aggravate Tamo guna. This gradually leads the person to depression. Modern medicine explains these changes after mental trauma based on chemical and hormonal changes in the brain environment.
Ayurveda helps to alter the harmful changes in a person’s brain through herbal supplements, therapies  , meditation and yoga. Ayurveda also advises making a total change in the physical environment around the person to induce better healing. It has been scientifically proven that meditation helps to release chemicals in brain which helps to soothe your body and mind. Meditation will be helpful if its done the right way. Listening to meditation music based on alpha binaural beats will assist in raising your brain frequency to the alpha state of awareness.

Live and let live
The stimuli which we receive through 5 senses can affect a person very much. Ayurveda advises to be aware of your surrounding environment. Walk away from harmful stimuli and negative situations. Be conscious of what you see, hear, smell, taste and touch.Namaste!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Shigru leaves (Moringa Olifera)-150g
Dhatura leaves(Dathura Alba)-150g
Nirgundi(vitex Nigundo)-150g
Arka(Calotropis Procera)-150g
Chincha(Tamarindus Indica)-150g
Karanja(pongamia Pinnata)-150g
Shachara(Strobilanthus Beynianus)-150g
Vathagnee(Justicia Gendarus)-150g
Lemon – 2
Garlic- 1
Coconut- 1 grated
Turmeric powder- 1tsp
Shatahva-(anethum graveolens)-30g
Saindhavam-Rock salt-1tsp
Pour neem oil into pan and add the chopped leaves. When leaves are sauted properly add lemon, garlic and grated coconut. Stir till coconut is brown and then add the herbal powders. Stir again for a few minutes and switch off flame.
How to do elakkizhi?
Kizhi is used to treat rheumatic arthritis, joint pain, frozen shoulder, back pain, cervical spondylosis etc.
To start kizhi, first of all apply oil(choose a suitable one) all over the body and massage for 15 mts.
Kizhi is heated up in an iron pan. Use a small quantity of oil in the pan while heating up kizhi.
Now massage gently over affected area with kizhi. The positions for kizhi are the patient in sitting, supine, left lateral, prone, right lateral, supine and again sitting positions. But if the patient has any limitations in movement, the physician can make necessary changes with this. Kizhi is changed when temperature of kizhi reduces. It is heated up again in the pan. This is continued for 45 mts.



Chicken pox is very common during summer.It usually occurs in children of age group 3-12yrs,but rarely in adults too.
Symptoms: The disease starts with fever,cold,runny nose and cough.Red papules appear mainly on chest,back,and face .But it may spread to limbs and scalp too.Papules turn into blisters and then scabs in later stages.This will last for about 12 days.
1)Apply a paste of neem powder and turmeric over the blisters twice daily.It is not necessary to wash off.
This will relieve itching and also has a disinfectant action.(Practical tip: If neem powder is not available for those who are not in India,you can purchase Himalaya brand neem capsules and use the powder from capsules).There will be only minimum level of scarring if the paste is used as explained.
2)Take easy to digest food and drink plenty of water.Include vegetables like cucumber and raisins in diet to cool body.
3)Rinse eyes with cold water.Apply soothing eyedrops in eyes thrice daily.Eg:Itone eye drops,sunetra eyedrops.
4)have 1 tablespoon of septilin syrup to relieve the problems of respiratory tract.
5)Mahathiktakam kashayam has antiviral and antibacterial properties.
In children give half tablet in morning and evening with honey so that the symptoms can be under control.Those who are staying with the patient in the house can take this kashayam tablet as a preventive medicine.In adults the dosage is 1 tablet twice daily.
6)After the scabs are gone use Nalpamaradi oil all over the body to get rid of scars.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Gandusham- oil pulling


Gandusham is the treatment in which medicine in the form of liquid is filled and held in mouth in such a manner that the mouth is completely full.The major difference between Gandusham and Kabalam is that ,in Gandusham the mouth is filled upto the point where there is no space to swish or move the liquid in mouth.
In Kabalam the medicine can be swished or moved in the mouth as the quantity is less.
Oil pulling is a form of Gandusha.
"Asanchalyo muke purne gandusha kabalo anyada."

The person should sit in a room which is protected without excess exposure to cold and windy weather.
Shoulder and neck should be fomented and massaged.After this the medicine may be held in mouth with face slightly tilted up.

"Nivathe sathape svinnamrudita skanda kandhara
Gandushamapiban kinchidunnathasyo vidharayed"
(Ashtanga Hrudayam:Su:22/10)

1)Snigdha - oleating
2)Shamana- curative
3)Sodhana - cleansing
4)Ropanam - healing

Most people are familiar only with oil pulling.Oil pulling is only one form of the Gandusha therapy. Sesame oil is usually used in oil pulling.Sesame oil used as gandusha will strengthen all the 5 sense organs.It is excellent for health of oral cavity,gums and teeth.
In mouth ulcers the medicines used for gandusha are honey,cow's milk and cow's ghee.
If there is a problem of bad breath, a liquid known as kaadi is used.for gandusha (Kaadi is prepared by washing parboiled kerala rice with water and straining out the liquid.) If  your teeth and gums are sensitive, mix a paste of sesame seeds in water and use it as Gandusha daily.
In severe cases of mouth ulcers Gandusha with Thiktaka ghrutha can give excellent results.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014



   Changes are happening in human body each day. It is believed that free radicals cause damage to the cells resulting in aging. ROS or reactive oxygen species like hydrogen peroxide and superoxide are also blamed for inducing oxidative stress on cells.Free radical damage causes illnesses like cancer,arthritis,diabetes and alzheimer's disease.
The mitochondrial theory of ageing states that the reactive oxygen species in mitochondria causes damage to lipids,proteins and even DNA.
Any atom or molecule which has an unpaired electron in the outer shell is free radical.This atom or molecule will be highly reactive and therefore can cause oxidative damage .These atoms or molecules causes a chain reaction in the body which causes damage to all tissues.
Antioxidants can donate electrons  which can neutralize free radicals without forming a new one.In other words antioxidants inhibit the oxidation of other molecules.They stop the chain reaction before damage is done.Vitamin E,Vitamin C and Beta carotene are very good anti oxidants.


Phenolic compounds in plants are  water soluble antioxidants.The various kwatha or kashaya preparations
(herbal decoctions) which contain phenolic compounds can be used to heal  the damages due to free radicals in connective tissue,muscles and joints.The kashayas or kwathas which can fight the inflammatory and degenerative changes in cells due to free radicals are Rasnerandadi kashayam,Maharasnadi kashayam, Manjishtadi kashayam, Sahacharadi kashayam and Dhanwantharam kashayam.
When there is damage to collagen and IgG it leads to inflammation of joints and damage of cartilage.The radical scavenging activity of the above kashayas help to reverse the damage.
Ayurvedic churnas like Triphala churna and Aswagandhadi churna contains antioxidant herbs. Ingredients of Triphala churna are amla,haritaki and vibhitaki. This is a formula which can be easily used daily.
Medicated ghees are powerful formulas which can prevent aging and enhance scavenging of free radicals.Brahmee ghrutham and Kalyanaka ghrutham may be used even in Alzheimer's disease.
Rasayanas in Ayurveda are like herbal jams with all the antioxidant herbs blended together.These ancient formulas are being used in India since thousands of years to prevent ageing.
A few important formulas are Chyavanprash,Dasamoolahareetaki,Aswagandha rasayanam and Vidaryadi lehyam.
Arishtas in Ayurveda are like herbal wines with specific formulas.Arishtas which have antioxidant properties are Dhatryarishta,Aswagandharishta and Dasamoolarishta.
Yoga exercises helps to prevent ageing by providing more oxygen to tissues while exercising.
Abhyanga or regular oil massages using Ayurvedic oils like Eladi keram,Balaswagandhadi tailam and Dhanwantharam tailam help to prevent ageing of skin and muscles.


Friday, March 14, 2014


SWARNA BHASMAM( bhasma made from gold)

"Swarnam tiktam kashayam madhuram ativayasthapanam kanthidam cha
vrushyam hrudyam cha balyam ruchikaramakhilam vagvishudhim vidhaata
Ayurdam vai baleenam haranamchirathonashanam durvishanam
Rogeshonmadajanam jvarabalaharanam sarvarogadinashanam."(Rasaraja tharangini)

Swarna bhasma is bitter and astringent in taste.It has rasayana(rejuvenative),anti aging and aphrodisiac properties.Svarna bhasma improves cardiovascular health and sense of taste.When taken according to the methods prescribed in texts and in right quantity,it provides strength,long life and healing.Swarna bhasma detoxifies the body.It is used in treatment of hysteria and chronic fever.When used with the appropriate herbal formulas ,Swarna bhasma helps to cure various other diseases also.Swarna bhasma improves memory.

Dosage:Swarna bhasma dosage is 15 mg-60mg.
If taken with milk it provides strength and if taken with the juice of Bringaraj(Eclipta Alba) it acts as an aphrodisiac.In Ayurveda swarna bhasma is given along with Vacha(Acorus clamus) to improve memory.
The usage of metals as medicine has created many controversies recently.But the history shows that gold was used even in Modern medicine earlier.
Error in preparation:
Preparation of Swarna bhasma is a very meticulous procedure.The problems arise when there is an error in the preparation methods.The kidneys and liver might be affected if Swarna bhasma prepared in the wrong way is consumed.The errors usually occur  in the purification, preparation and temperature set for preparation.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Curing gall stones through Ayurveda

What are Gallstones?
Gall stones are formed usually as a result of hardened cholesterol in the gall bladder.They can be of tiny size or the size of a golf ball..Gall stones may form from bilirubin and calcium salts also.
Gall bladder is a small organ situated in the abdomen.When gallstones block the duct which transports bile from liver to small intestine,it causes inflammation and infection.

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Indigestion 
  • pain of upper back and abdomen

5 tips to prevent Gallstones

  • Have a diet rich in leafy vegetables and fibre
  • Drink fresh apple juice,pear juice and lemon juice to cleanse liver and gall bladder
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Add turmeric to food and have green salads(eg:carrots,beetroot,cucumber)
  • Avoid meat and oily food like cheese,ghee and butter.
Natural remedy for gallstones
A simple cure for flushing out small gallstones is to take a mixture of
20ml oliveoil+ 1/4 tsp garlic juice + lemon juice(half lemon) early morning or at bedtime daily.
Having 2 or 3 glasses of fresh apple juice during daytime helps the flushing out process as apple juice softens gall stones.
Ayurveda remedies for Gallstone
According to Ayurveda, Vata and Kapha aggrevation creates gall stones.The treatment plan is to soften the stone and cleanse it from system or make the stone disintegrate.

  • Bhumyamalaki(Phyllanthus Amarus or Phyllanthus Niruri) is a herb which is effective in curing kidney stones,gall stones and hepatitis. Dosage: 3g
  • Kokilaksha kshar helps to disintegrate the stone according to the research conducted in BHU Varanasi. Dosage:1g
  • Cystone tablet is a research medicine made from a combination of herbs which help to cure kidney stones and gall stones.Dosage :2 tabs twice daily.
  • Applying warm castor oil over abdomen daily will help to relieve the pain.Do not massage.
  • Yavkshar and Apamarga kshar are two ash preparations which help in disintegration of stones,but are very powerful.The dosage is very important in these medicines.Dosage is 500mg-1g
  • Shankh bhasma,Shankha bati and Arogyavardhini  vati helps to give relief to symptoms like pain and nausea.
  • Other Ayurvedic formulas which can be used are Rohitakarishtam,Bringarajasavam,Katuki kwath,Punarnavadi kashayam and Chiruvilwadi kashayam.