Friday, March 14, 2014


SWARNA BHASMAM( bhasma made from gold)

"Swarnam tiktam kashayam madhuram ativayasthapanam kanthidam cha
vrushyam hrudyam cha balyam ruchikaramakhilam vagvishudhim vidhaata
Ayurdam vai baleenam haranamchirathonashanam durvishanam
Rogeshonmadajanam jvarabalaharanam sarvarogadinashanam."(Rasaraja tharangini)

Swarna bhasma is bitter and astringent in taste.It has rasayana(rejuvenative),anti aging and aphrodisiac properties.Svarna bhasma improves cardiovascular health and sense of taste.When taken according to the methods prescribed in texts and in right quantity,it provides strength,long life and healing.Swarna bhasma detoxifies the body.It is used in treatment of hysteria and chronic fever.When used with the appropriate herbal formulas ,Swarna bhasma helps to cure various other diseases also.Swarna bhasma improves memory.

Dosage:Swarna bhasma dosage is 15 mg-60mg.
If taken with milk it provides strength and if taken with the juice of Bringaraj(Eclipta Alba) it acts as an aphrodisiac.In Ayurveda swarna bhasma is given along with Vacha(Acorus clamus) to improve memory.
The usage of metals as medicine has created many controversies recently.But the history shows that gold was used even in Modern medicine earlier.
Error in preparation:
Preparation of Swarna bhasma is a very meticulous procedure.The problems arise when there is an error in the preparation methods.The kidneys and liver might be affected if Swarna bhasma prepared in the wrong way is consumed.The errors usually occur  in the purification, preparation and temperature set for preparation.

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