Sunday, June 17, 2012

Garlic the healing herb

Garlic is used as food and medicine from ancient times.In Ayurveda garlic is used as a natural antibiotic.This wonder herb is a powerful antioxidant which can remove free radicals from the body.As a result the aging process slows down.Garlic has amazing antibacterial,antifungal and antiviral properties.
.For people suffering from chronic cough or cold,garlic is the magic remedy.Including raw garlic in your diet can save you from heart disease.Garlic prevents plaque from building up in the arteries.Also the high cholesterol levels can be lowered with garlic.Research shows that people who add garlic to their diet are less likely to develop colon cancer.
                   Garlic is a pungent and strong herb and therefore the dosage is important.If it is being taken raw ,it is better not to have more than 4 cloves at a time.In people with sensitive stomach ,garlic should be added to food while cooking or used in the garlic milk form.Always raw garlic in its natural form is better than garlic supplements in the market.Garlic is known as Allium Sativum scientifically.Its main ingredients are Allicin and diallyl sulphides.The bulb of garlic is usually planted.
Methods to use Garlic
1.In chronic cough and cold,pound 2 cloves of garlic,mix with honey and have thrice daily.
2.For discomfort due to gas in stomach,have 2 cloves of raw garlic.
3.Local application of garlic juice helps in pimples.Apply for 10 minutes on pimples and wash off.This helps in fungal infections of skin also.
4.Garlic milk recipe in ayurveda is suitable for all categories of people.Milk balances the pungent properties of garlic.To prepare garlic milk pound 6 cloves of garlic and add 80ml of milk and 80ml of water.Boil till the whole mixture is reduced to 80 ml.This may be consumed 2hrs before dinner.By using garlic milk we can avoid the bad breath which might be a problem when having raw garlic.Garlic milk is found very effective in lowering high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
So never ignore this wonder herb .Get ready to enjoy the health benefits of garlic.