Tuesday, October 29, 2013


                                                   Coconut oil is produced from the dried meat of coconut(Cocos Nucifera).It is known as 'Naalikeram' in Sanskrit and Malayalam.Virgin coconut oil is the more healthier option and is produced from fresh coconut meat.Coconut oil consists of 92% saturated fats.It is this fact which has caused a misunderstanding that coconut oil is not healthy.But the truth is that coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids which are quite healthy.

How do Long chain fattty acids and Medium chain fatty acids differ?
                                               Medium chain fatty acids present in coconut oil can be broken down easily and burnt to produce energy.Medium chain fatty acids induce a process called 'thermogenesis' in the body which increases metabolism in body.When we consume long chain fatty acids,the time taken to digest and generate energy is longer.Therefore the fat gets stored up in the body as stubborn fat.

How does coconut oil help?

The energy value of coconut oil is 6 calories/gm.Since it is digested for energy easily ,the metabolic rate increases.As a result the person feels very energetic and does not feel a craving for sweet or starchy food.For successful weight loss programme,adequate amount of fat also is required in the diet.

Coconut oil - Medicinal Value
  •  Coconut oil contains Lauric acid which is otherwise found only in human breast mlik.Lauric acid is converted to monolaurin in human body and has antiviral,antibacterial and antifungal properties.It helps to destroy lipid coated viruses. 
  • Coconut oil helps to control diabetes by improving metabolism and has anticarcinogenic action.
  • Coconut oil is used as the base for most of the Ayurvedic oil preparations as it gets easily absorbed into body.
  • Coconut oil reduces serum cholesterol.
  • Coconut oil helps to lose weight by providing adequate energy and thus reducing weight.
  • Massaging the body with oil is an Ayurvedic treatment called 'Abhyangam' in Sanskrit.Warm coconut oil can be used for body massage to improve blood circulation,prevent wrinkles,enhance moisturising and provide glowing skin.Coconut oil may be used as a natural makeup remover which moisturises the skin.
  • Coconut oil can fight Candida infections when used internally and externally.Candida infections are seen in people who use more of fermented and yeast based products.
  • Massaging scalp with warm coconut oil improves hair growth and prevents dandruff.Through regular use of coconut oil for scalp massage hair follicles become healthy and hairfall and greying can be controlled.If Ayurvedic oils with coconut oil base are used,they give even better results. 

Virgin Coconut oil -The healthy option  

Coconut oil is not healthy when it is hydrogenated for the purposes of storage.Refining,bleaching and deodorising can interfere with the natural properties of coconut oil. Hydrogenation creates trans fatty acids which can clog blood vessels.
Virgin Coconut oil is the healthy form of coconut oil which is good for cardiovascular system.It can heal the injuries in blood vessels and does not cause blockages in blood vessels.Virgin coconut oil can be used for all cooking purposes like baking and frying.It has a high melting point.